Showing 31 to 40 of 71 blog articles.
776 views · 1939 days ago

2019 is here!!! It's going to be a great year and you're going to be amazed at all the great and wonderful things that will be coming your way. You may not agree because of the circumstances you've experienced in 2018. However, the best is yet to come, and the energy you put out is the energy you're going to get back. Expect great things and great things will happen. I admonish you to embrace 2019 and shake off the old year, shake off everything that you felt was horrible, and know that they were lessons. You are ready for what may come in 2019; you are strong, confident, a fighter. Come on 2019 bring it, we are ready. Remember, the best is yet to come!!

775 views · 1881 days ago

Children are precious. Yet, many of them have no idea of this fact. Now, I’m not talking about the ones that are well loved with doting parents. I’m talking about children who are abandon by their fathers and despised by their mothers. Children, whose parents are indifferent toward each other because of hurts, money, addictions. There are many who have well meaning parents. Well meaning parents who did not learn how to love, because they themselves weren’t taught or shown love. Now, stuck in a cycle both parent and child are angry, disrespectful, lost. They’ve become a statistic... caught up in the system;repeating the cycle of contemptuousness toward self and others. A cycle that they do not know how to break. Hence, I would like to invite you to make a change; break the cycle. Here’s how...start by forgiving yourself, and everyone who you believed to have hurt or wronged you. It will be a step forward!!

761 views · 1931 days ago

I am of the opinion that everyone has a gift, a purpose;greatness on the inside of them. Some, know of this greatness while others struggle in every area of life, because they are simply unaware of how to activate and make use of the thing that lies dormant on the inside of them. Despite. What life throws at you, despite your background, your circumstances there is a gift, a purpose; greatness in everyone, and you cannot hide or run from it. However, you can ignore and neglect it. Today, I’m here to tell you give yourself a chance! We all have a gift, a purpose, greatness, on the it out...pursue it. Go!! Never ever give up on yourself... it’s just not an option!!
Dr Joan

737 views · 1380 days ago

This past February, I had the pleasure to witness the original cast performance of Alanis Morissette’s new Broadway musical, Jagged Little Pill. My urge to write this post is not to solely state my gratitude to see this show prior to its temporary closing or to honor the beauty in its storyline, based around feminism, women's rights, LGBTQIA+, mental health, and drug addiction, but to discuss the beauty that the ensemble cast brought to the stage, particularly the solo dance motifs.

As a musician, dancer, and Registered- Dance/Movement Therapist, the artistic direction was one to remember. Yes, the tears I spoke of earlier were caused by the acting and the struggles those actors portrayed. However, the greatest emotional response I experienced was witnessing the solo dancers move through the emotional and mental monologue of each cast member. One moment in particular was the side by side vocal expression of Mary Jane Healy, played by actress and singer Elizabeth Stanley, and the non-verbal movement expression portraying her internal monologue, performed by Heather Lang. Within the last 30 minutes of the show, I heard Elizabeth Stanley wear her character's heart and whole self on her sleeve, singing “Uninvited”. As I listened to the beauty in her song, I could not peel my eyes off the gorgeous dancer beside her; drenched in pain, internal turmoil, confusion, frustration, and hopelessness. The expression through movement held so much more weight (for me) than the actual music. In one aspect I could hear her pain, but in the other I could feel it.

In my work as a dance/movement therapist, I am often presented with the gift to witness and share space with an individual. Dance/movement therapy brings that second, somewhat deeper level to an emotion. We all can talk about our struggles, and hope both ourselves and the listener can grasp the truth behind our words, but when we physically move, our mind and bodies have a secondary connection. When embodying an emotion we experience that emotion differently. This is both true for the individual, and for their witness. Why I believe this movement motif affected me so strongly was because it was not a simple mirror in movement (think- looking into a mirror and having someone follow your exact patterns) or a mirror in language. The magic with this type of mirrored expression was that the movement mirrored her words. Mary Jane’s verbal expression was transformed into a visual dynamic that offered the audience a much stronger connection to the character's internal monologue. I hope that this show opens our eyes to the many struggles we face daily, and helps everyone to not only feel heard, but to be seen.

735 views · 1864 days ago

We all want to do our best. The majority of us long to do good; good is etched in us. However, there may be some who do not see good in anyone, and there may be many who find it difficult to believe that they have any good in themselves. Life can be hard, and because of what life throws at us daily; good can easily be misplaced. Friends, good does not just leave the human soul, mind, or spirit. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Treat people good, and see the good in them.... it could change a life. Be good to each other, stay good, and good.

734 views · 1186 days ago

Hey you! Did you know that you’re very special? There is no other person in this world like you. You deserve to be loved not only by those around you but by the most important person in your life — YOU. Practicing self-love can be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious challenges. It’s not about being self-absorbed or narcissistic, it’s about getting in touch with ourselves, our well-being and our happiness. We practice self-love so we can push through our limiting beliefs and live a life that truly shines.
So do yourself a favor, take a deep breath, give yourself a little hug and start practicing the following:

1. Start each day by telling yourself something really positive. How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.
2. Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes it and makes it thrive.
3. Move that gorgeous body of yours every single day and learn to love the skin you’re in. You can’t hate your way into loving yourself.
4. Don’t believe everything you think. There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe. The downside is this also stops us from living a full life.
5. Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you. Let them remind you just how amazing you are.
6. Listen to this video as many time as you need

Signs that you need to increase your Self-Love & Self-Acceptance levels:
Whenever you find yourself tired, drained, trying to keep up with things, fit in, blend in, be more at peace with yourself, or even hating your body, you are using vital life force that you could use for other more important things in life.

The Importance of Self-Love and Self-Acceptance
“Growth begins when we start accepting ourselves” -Jean Vanier
We usually set standards that are too high for ourselves because the society expects us to be perfect. We tend to forget that everyone has flaws including the people we perceive to be perfect.

If you have any questions or would like to share your feeling, just drop us a line at

729 views · 1888 days ago

Comparing yourself to others leads to failure. Failure in yourself, failure in your confidence, failure of dreams and security. I am aware that, in this age of social media there are many opportunities to compare yourself to others.... Why don’t my eyes sparkle? Why doesn’t my girlfriend have those curves, why doesn’t my boyfriend have muscles like they do? Why do they make more money than I do? Why, why, why? But, do you know no one compares to you, and that no two people are the same. No one has your DNA, no one has your finger prints, no one has your smile. No one is you. Think about it... we’re all designed differently; an original masterpiece. Therefore, I implore you to stop comparing yourself to others. Carry out your plans, and your business like a boss...the way you, and only you can, and was meant to do. I promise that, you will get there ... slow and steady, but only if you’re willing to stop comparing your behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel!! Do you, and let them do them!!!

704 views · 1850 days ago

Yesterday, a young man and I was having a conversation and he wanted answers. The young man asked “What is the purpose of life?” I began to explain to him that, the purpose of life is to serve others, to love unconditionally, to walk in integrity and to keep peace. Additionally, I told him to believe in something greater than himself. The young man, who was 16 years old, could not wrap his head around what I had said. He thought how could that be when people are sick with all different types of cancer, and mental illnesses. How could that be when men are violent, angry, mean. How could that be when babies are dying, and people are killing each other. He just couldn’t relate... he didn’t understand because of the shambles; the state of the world. What, I communicated to him, and now to you is that we are not here for ourselves. We are here on assignment, we are here to help each other, we are here for a time, and we are here on purpose. We are not here by chance, we are chosen. We made it into the world, we are breathing, we are living this life. Surely, when we look at the world systems and things that are happening around us we become disheartened. But, we must also look for and see the good. Keep your eyes up, and remember... your living is not in vain!

687 views · 1380 days ago

How to grow your influence on fitfabandwelltube and yourtowntube and grow your local exposure
What Is Niche Marketing?
Niche marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on a unique target market. Instead of marketing to everyone who could benefit from a product or service, this strategy focuses exclusively on one group—a niche market—or demographic of potential customers who would most benefit from the offerings.

The benefit of niche marketing is that it allows brands to differentiate themselves, appear as a unique authority, and resonate more deeply with a distinct set of customers. Rather than blend in with the many other brands that offer the same type of product or service, a brand can use niche marketing to stand out, appear more valuable, reach its growth potential, and build a stronger, longer-lasting connection with its ideal audience.

A niche market could stand apart from others because of:
* Geographic area
* Lifestyle
* Occasion
* Profession
* Style
* Culture
* Activity or habits
* Behavior
* Demographic
* Need
* Feature reduction or addition

Enjoy creating your niche marketing video content.

#videocontentmarketing #video #videocontent #videolocal #videoprinceton #princeton #fitfabandwelltube #yourtowntube

675 views · 1933 days ago

Between, last week and this week I’ve had three dreams where I was trying to calculate figures to get a sum. I wrote the numbers down and draw a line underneath, and just as I was about to calculate to get an answer some noise woke me up; every time! After, the third dream I concluded it wasn’t for me to figure out. Oftentimes, we spend most of our lives trying to figure stuff out, but is it necessary. Perhaps, this was a sign to me, that I’m not in control. If, you’re one that constantly try to figure out things can you trust that everything will work out in the end? Can you have faith and trust that everything will be well done on your behalf? And, if it doesn’t work out well can you trust that there is a reason it didn’t? Try it, try to breathe and let go of all the figuring out you’re currently doing. I already told you the best is yet to come. So, if you’re trying to figure it out... STOP!! Have faith and trust the process.
Dr, Joan Coleman