Showing 21 to 30 of 71 blog articles.
531 views · 1452 days ago

When the mind is clear and the body is relaxed, you can engage the imagination to visualize images and ideas. Meditation and visualization have the power to teach and heal. Visualization is one method of using the mind to influence the body. Here is an example of an easy relaxation script for meditation: "Breathing in, I relax. Breathing out, I smile." Repeat this as long as you like, visualizing your body relaxing as you continue. Notice the physical changes.

Meditation and visualization are empowering tools to enhance consciousness and self-awareness and to focus the mind. Visualization is a healthy way of bringing positive energy into your mind, body and spirit, expanding your capacity for creativity. Meditation and visualization experiences will vary; it is best to let go of expectations and surrender to your own inner wisdom.

In this short journey to your Inner Sanctuary, you walk through nature and reflect next to a water pound to help you reprogram yourself letting you imagination to change anything you don't like about yourself and replacing it with what you like... Your imagination is your only limit. Enjoy! Namaste, Gabi

#GuidedMeditation #HealingMeditation #fitfabandwelltube #videomeditation

638 views · 1455 days ago

You are not alone! Friends, it’s been weeks since our routine and way of life has changed!!! Listen, change is not easy...there are many who are having a difficult time navigating through feelings of aloneness. Many, who don’t and won’t talk about it! Lesson, you may feel alone, but you are not in this thing alone. Chances are there are so many others who feel the way that you do. Tip, don’t be afraid of how you’re feeling! You have a right to feel the way that you do! Just know you’re never alone. Also, try focusing on someone else. I bet you can make someone’s day! There is someone waiting to hear from you... pick up the phone, zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Marco Polo if you have to, and let them know that they’re not alone!

1022 views · 1459 days ago

Counting meditations are very simple. All you do is set yourself a number to count to or to count down from. For example, you could count slowly to five, or count down slowly from five. The idea here is to give your mind something to do, something to focus on, to help you to focus, without getting distracted.

The numbers help us to see if we’re making progress. If you put the effort into your meditation practice then you’ll see results. But how can you see results if there’s nothing to measure them by?

Also, the effect of counting down, allows for more relaxation, but you can count up or down, this is depending in which mind of frame you are on that particular day.

I invite you to try this short counting down meditation. Namaste, Gabi

#guidemeditation #countingmeditation #fitfabandwelltube #videotutorial #wellnessvideo

446 views · 1493 days ago

Friends, these are trying times! Many of us never imagined, that we would live to be apart of a pandemic. Times like these will test your determination, courage, strength, and patience. Listen, we are a tenacious people. We know how to bounce back. Lesson, keep persevering keep holding on, because change is inevitable. Tip, don’t worry, don’t panic, and don’t you fret....trouble don’t last always!

481 views · 1498 days ago

On a walk a few days ago, I held my face to the sun, and thought how happy I was to be alive. Friends, I looked around, and was mesmerized by the way the trees stood tall....adorned with cherry blossoms. Additionally, I smiled at the perfect pitch in which the birds sang their songs. Listen, in light of the plight happening here and around the globe, I began musing about the beauty of the world. In that moment, I realized, that the beauty of the world was right here on my walk! Lesson, try to celebrate the beauty that you see before you everyday! Tip, take the time to let the sun (or the rain), hit your face. Look around you, take in the scenery, the scents and the sounds of nature. Take heed to the beauty that surrounds you!

1661 views · 1504 days ago

As the pace of our lives continues to accelerate, driven by a host of forces seemingly beyond our control, more and more of us are finding ourselves drawn to engage in meditation, in this radical act of being. We are moving in the direction of meditative awareness for many reasons, not the least of which may be to maintain our individual and collective sanity, or recover our perspective and sense of meaning, or simply to deal with the outrageous stress and insecurity of this age.

By stopping and intentionally falling awake to how things are in this moment, purposefully, without succumbing to our own reactions and judgments, and by working wisely with such occurrences with a healthy dose of self-compassion when we do succumb, and by our willingness to take up residency for a time in the present moment in spite of all our plans and activities aimed at getting somewhere else, completing a project or pursuing desired objects or goals, we discover that such an act is both immensely, discouragingly difficult and yet utterly simple, profound, hugely possible after all, and restorative of mind and body, soul and spirit right in that moment. It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.

It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.

Loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity are rigorous meditation practices, used for the most part to cultivate one-pointed concentrated attention, out of which the powers of these evoked qualities emerge, transfiguring the heart. Just naming these qualities of heart explicitly and making their role explicit in our practice may help us to recognize them when they arise spontaneously during mindfulness practice. As well as to incline the heart and mind in that direction more frequently, especially in difficult times.

But with practice direct observation itself, on its own, becomes the embodiment of loving-kindness and compassion all by itself, and is capable of embracing any mindstate, however afflictive are toxic. And in the seeing of it and the knowing of it—in open-hearted non-reactive, non-judgemental presence—we can see into the nature of the anger or grief for whatever it is. And in the seeing, in the embracing of it, in the knowing of it, as we have seen, it attenuates, weakens, evaporates, very much like touching a soap bubble or like writing on water.

A Loving-Kindness Mediation For Deep Healing of Ourselves and Others

868 views · 1525 days ago

#Wellness is not only self-care or eating well or being well, of course, but all those are also extremely important… but wellness is also your business growth and is as important as your financial growth because let's face it! When your business grows your financial growth as well and then you eat well, you sleep well and more...

I invite you to hear and watch Tom McManimon from Stimulus Brand, an expert in branding and marketing, and a Princeton Mercer Influencer™️ and (yes he is right here in our backyard), in this video he shares with us the importance of video for your business and how you too can increase your visibility and gain customers in the local community...

Buying local is important and doing business locally is important to us, don’t hesitate to join us and become a Princeton Mercer Influencer™️ and a member of our VPOD

Don’t let another year without video pass you by. Learn how you can start growing your small business today! send me a message

But here are 8 ways to grow your business
1. Get to know your customers. ...
2. Offer great customer service. ...
3. Nurture existing customers and look for new opportunities. ...
4. Use social media. ...
5. Attend networking events. ...
6. Host events. ...
7. Give back to your community. ...
8. Measure what works and refine your approach as you go.

The Secret Sauce to Grow a Healthy Business
A Business Needs a Vision     

And how much better can it be to share your vision with customers, your team members, partners and you community then by video…   

556 views · 1539 days ago

Thank you to all our viewers as well as our experts who share their video content, with us and the Princeton Mercer Region. A special thank you to our Sponsors and Advertising Partners, who help us to keep this platform free to you viewers and experts. Continue to explore your awesomeness and keep using and watching.

Happy Valentine's Day and Thank you to you all, Namaste. Gabi For more information contact us

What is Social Video Content? Social Video Content brings the/your stories to life in a way that words, or even pictures cannot. Retailers and organizations can harness the power of emotion to make new connections with existing clients, potential clients, buyers or even donors, that inspire action. Creating Social Video Content is the place to grow and to be, so you keep your name and brand active and create WANTS.

Because just running after vanity metrics of ‘likes’ and ‘followers’ isn’t what makes organizations successful in the real world.

Where, When and How? The YourTownTube platform allows you to simultaneously post, upload videos, you get your own Channel and your own running VLOG - so your unique story will be reaching a large audience of local potential clients that can come to your door.
We have dedicated several years to building the strongest local viewership like no other site does and we are now sharing this entire list with you.

We also made our platform so easy to communicate and share your Social Video Content, yes with just one click, once your Social Video Content is uploaded, you can share it to all your other social media links as well as directly, embedded to your website, no need anymore for you to upload each social media individually, on all your social media our site creates your text, and your “bit link” all you need to do is to click ok.

Peace, Love and Happy Video Viewing,

605 views · 1577 days ago

Why Set Intentions?
Setting an intention this month will help you carry through the year, but son’t stop there, set your intention before your meditation, yoga practice, or even before each of your day can be a powerful practice because it’s the first step to embodying that which you want. Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.” And how many times have you heard “What you think, you become,” or “Thoughts become things”?

If you’re focusing your mind on a specific intention during a meditation or before starting your day, you are bringing it to your focused mind, your thoughts, your heart … and in turn helping to bring it into reality.

How to Set an Intention
Your intention should be closely tied to your personal thoughts, values and perspective on life. Intentions can be a clear and specific wish, or as simple as a word or phrase you’d like to align yourself with, like “open your mind and heart,” “love,” “softness,” “strength,” “compassion for myself and others,” “peace,” or “freedom.” Try to keep the intention positive, so instead of saying “stop being a coward,” or “spend less time alone,” choose the intentions, “be courageous” or simply, “community”.

Here are some thought-starters to help you get started in forming an intention:

• What matters most to you?
• What would you like to build, create, or nurture in your life?
• What would you like to let go of?
• Who would you like to forgive in your life?
• How do you feel when you are your happiest self?
• What makes you proud?
• What word(s) would you like to align yourself with?
• What fears would you like to release?
• What are you grateful for?

10 Intentions You Can Borrow
1. Find balance
2. Open your mind and heart
3. Peace
4. Stay steady, calm and focused
5. Act with courage
6. Embrace change
7. Give and receive love
8. Allow yourself to be vulnerable
9. Connect with others
10. Love

“Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.”
~Deepak Chopra

Enjoy this video, and happy intention setting. Namaste, Gabi

556 views · 1581 days ago

It’s cold and flu season and I wanted to remind you to take care of yourself. If you’re feeling exhausted or run down; take some time to get some rest. Friends, I know, you carry the burden of ensuring that everyone around you is alright...I know, you are the one taking care of everyone else. Listen, it all begins with you, therefore, you’ve got to take care of yourself! Lesson, self-care is never a waste of time; taking care of yourself is an investment. Tip, drink or eat something green, soak in a tub, read a book or listen to some music, and always remember this...there is only one you!