Showing 41 to 50 of 71 blog articles.
614 views · 1826 days ago

A few days ago, I was listening to researcher Brene Brown’s ted talk about vulnerability. She said that, most people find it difficult to let others see or perceive them as being vulnerable. Brene continued, “Many people wear multiple masks, in hopes of hiding their vulnerabilities.” Think about it, we have a mask for school, a mask for work, and a mask for entertaining (the list goes on). The mask, changes according to locations and situations, and they cover up the real us....the authentic us. I want us to be encouraged, I want us to be honest, and I want us to stop hiding that we’re vulnerable. After all, we are only human. Let’s administer change by not judging, gossiping, or ridiculing others; everyone for the most part is doing their best. Therefore, let’s stop hiding behind that mask and practice being authentic. Trust me, no one can take that from you. Stop caring about what others think... be true to you. Live!!!

648 views · 1827 days ago

To practice loving-kindness meditation, sit in a comfortable and relaxed manner. Take two or three deep breaths with slow, long and complete exhalations. Let go of any concerns or preoccupations. For a few minutes, feel or imagine the breath moving through the center of your chest - in the area of your heart.

Sitting quietly, mentally repeat, slowly and steadily, the following or similar phrases:

May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be peaceful and at ease.

While you say these phrases, allow yourself to sink into the intentions they express. Loving-kindness meditation consists primarily of connecting to the intention of wishing ourselves or others happiness. However, if feelings of warmth, friendliness, or love arise in the body or mind, connect to them, allowing them to grow as you repeat the phrases. As an aid to the meditation, you might hold an image of yourself in your mind's eye. This helps reinforce the intentions expressed in the phrases.

After a period of directing loving-kindness toward yourself, bring to mind a friend or someone in your life who has deeply cared for you. Then slowly repeat phrases of loving-kindness toward them:

May you be happy. May you be well. May you be safe. May you be peaceful and at ease.

It is not always easy to practice METTA meditation, don’t discourage practice often or start and try a little a bit of it with this video

Namaste, Gabi

1002 views · 1836 days ago

Gratitude comes in many form and shapes, and mine came yesterday at the end of yoga class; Our yogi teacher read for us, this message:

“Take a moment to see what you already have accomplished and congratulate yourself! Because so often we just go and go, push and push ourselves to achieve more… More physical activities, more goals to reach in our life, more money to make… and we just forget to stop and see that today was a great day. That today we already have done so much, even if today the only thing you did was to get out of bed…. Just remind yourself how wonderful you are, and how much you already have done by just getting out of bed…. and say to yourself, today i did very well. Thank you. “

This message resonated a lot with me because our mission here at fitfabandwelltube is: “Make people smile and feel good about themselves and others and to explore our awesomeness, through videos”.

So today and all week, try it, try to congratulate yourself, every day, on what you already have done and that it is ok, it is good enough!Namaste, Gabi

621 views · 1841 days ago

The greatest gift of all is family. Family doesn’t have to be those that are born of the same bloodline, but those closest to us, the ones that we let into our lives, the ones we call friend. The family can be destroyed, but only by those who are unaccepting and unforgiving. If there is a lack of forgiveness in the hearts of men, the family can be easily broken. Despite it all, the family bond is a deeply rooted one. Family, is unconditional love, a love that is great and complete. A reciprocal love, the kind you can trust (in many cases), will be returned back to you. A love that is incomparable to anything else. Family, will lift your spirits when your down, tell you when you’re wrong and steer you in the right direction. Family undeniably is everything!
Forgive, love unconditionally and cherish those you call family.

1200 views · 1841 days ago

So is it ever possible to know Oneness? Yes, but only by direct experience, when we go beyond the mind, intellect, and ego. Oneness is the coming together of all opposites. It’s always with us as the basis and underlying essence of everything. It’s nothing in itself, but holds the potential for everything.  We have to go beyond the senses, beyond duality to find Oneness.
We’ve all had random, unexpected glimpses of Oneness. Perhaps you were watching a beautiful sunset and had that moment when you felt like you merged with the whole of creation; or saw your newborn child for the first time and fell in love with the whole world.  We even have expressions for these glimpses, we say, “It took my breath away” or “Time stood still.” This is Oneness. We became one with the totality of the experience. When we return from the moment of Oneness, we find it impossible to properly express it. It just was! There are no words to describe Oneness.
We can also have direct experience of Oneness through meditation, which provides a systematic path by which our awareness settles to quieter levels of thinking until we finally transcend thought completely. All duality is in the realm of thoughts. When we slip into the spaces between our thoughts, we become Oneness. Oneness isn’t just experiencing something; it’s a state of being.

Enjoy watching this video and finding oneness. Namaste, Gabi


708 views · 1858 days ago

Yesterday, a young man and I was having a conversation and he wanted answers. The young man asked “What is the purpose of life?” I began to explain to him that, the purpose of life is to serve others, to love unconditionally, to walk in integrity and to keep peace. Additionally, I told him to believe in something greater than himself. The young man, who was 16 years old, could not wrap his head around what I had said. He thought how could that be when people are sick with all different types of cancer, and mental illnesses. How could that be when men are violent, angry, mean. How could that be when babies are dying, and people are killing each other. He just couldn’t relate... he didn’t understand because of the shambles; the state of the world. What, I communicated to him, and now to you is that we are not here for ourselves. We are here on assignment, we are here to help each other, we are here for a time, and we are here on purpose. We are not here by chance, we are chosen. We made it into the world, we are breathing, we are living this life. Surely, when we look at the world systems and things that are happening around us we become disheartened. But, we must also look for and see the good. Keep your eyes up, and remember... your living is not in vain!

740 views · 1872 days ago

We all want to do our best. The majority of us long to do good; good is etched in us. However, there may be some who do not see good in anyone, and there may be many who find it difficult to believe that they have any good in themselves. Life can be hard, and because of what life throws at us daily; good can easily be misplaced. Friends, good does not just leave the human soul, mind, or spirit. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Treat people good, and see the good in them.... it could change a life. Be good to each other, stay good, and good.

781 views · 1889 days ago

Children are precious. Yet, many of them have no idea of this fact. Now, I’m not talking about the ones that are well loved with doting parents. I’m talking about children who are abandon by their fathers and despised by their mothers. Children, whose parents are indifferent toward each other because of hurts, money, addictions. There are many who have well meaning parents. Well meaning parents who did not learn how to love, because they themselves weren’t taught or shown love. Now, stuck in a cycle both parent and child are angry, disrespectful, lost. They’ve become a statistic... caught up in the system;repeating the cycle of contemptuousness toward self and others. A cycle that they do not know how to break. Hence, I would like to invite you to make a change; break the cycle. Here’s how...start by forgiving yourself, and everyone who you believed to have hurt or wronged you. It will be a step forward!!

735 views · 1896 days ago

Comparing yourself to others leads to failure. Failure in yourself, failure in your confidence, failure of dreams and security. I am aware that, in this age of social media there are many opportunities to compare yourself to others.... Why don’t my eyes sparkle? Why doesn’t my girlfriend have those curves, why doesn’t my boyfriend have muscles like they do? Why do they make more money than I do? Why, why, why? But, do you know no one compares to you, and that no two people are the same. No one has your DNA, no one has your finger prints, no one has your smile. No one is you. Think about it... we’re all designed differently; an original masterpiece. Therefore, I implore you to stop comparing yourself to others. Carry out your plans, and your business like a boss...the way you, and only you can, and was meant to do. I promise that, you will get there ... slow and steady, but only if you’re willing to stop comparing your behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel!! Do you, and let them do them!!!

1386 views · 1903 days ago

So, you think you didn’t have a great start at life. You didn’t do things that were expected of you. You were rebellious, you knew everything there was to know about anything, and of course with that you’ve made many mistakes. Now what? You just got out of what? Your marriage didn’t work out... now what? The money you thought you could easily replace is now needed for something important, and you don’t have it.... now what? Whatever your circumstance or situation; do you give up? There are a few questions you must give an answer to concerning the story of your life. If you are struggling with the mistakes of the past... the mistakes you made yesteryear, yesterday or the day before... let it all go. Your story is not over. You, my friend can move forward.. you can rewrite your story... you can start again!