Technique Tip: Keep the Work in your Thighs

1606 days ago, 559 views
Technique Tip: Keep the Work in your Thighs when Working from the Knees Across all three class formats, you will occasionally work to strengthen the tops of your thighs while working in a kneeling position. Aim to mentally fire from the tops of your thighs which each movement while in this position. Think about pressing the shins and tops of the feet into the carpet to create opposition, while also keeping your seat muscles tight and core muscles engaged to maintain an upright posture. You're looking for a straight line from the head to the tailbone, with the chest open and shoulders down and back. You will notice your heart rate increasing in this position, so ensure that you keep taking deep and purposeful breaths throughout the exercise! #fit #fitness #fab #wellness #exercise #videotutorial #howto #purebarre #purebarreprinceton #fitfabandwelltube #yourtowntube #downtownprinceton #princetonchamber


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